Today we showcase part of GWI’s new Social Segmentation, looking at some of the main motivations which are driving engagement with this activity.
Stories of a “context collapse” may have hit the media lately but there’s still 44% who can be considered “Personal Sharers”, using social media to share photos, their opinion, or details of their daily lives. Equally clear is that social networks are an important port-of-call for news updates: 1 in 3 are “News Networkers”.
Above all else, though, internet users are most likely to be networking for entertainment, using social platforms to find entertaining content, and “following” comedians, singers or actors. A sizable 60% fall into this segment, implying a massive demand for platforms that can easily host entertaining articles and user-generated video content. Little wonder, then, that the major names in social media have been betting so big on video lately; entertainment and video are clearly vital for keeping users engaged.
To download an explanation of GWI’s new social media segmentation, click here.