As with any brand with a reputation to protect, ensuring your consumers speak positively about you is important – especially online. Completing our Fitness Fanatics focus this week, today’s chart explores what features and offerings are key to pushing these consumers to online advocacy.

Over half of Fitness Fanatics are posting online reviews each month, demonstrating just how vocal they are online compared to the average digital consumer.

In line with global trends, they’re most motivated to advocate by high-quality products (60%) and rewards (47%), but it’s where this active audience are most ahead of the average that is most telling.

Options relating to exclusivity are where we see the greatest over-indexes, whether that’s access to exclusive content (23%) or having insider knowledge about a brand (24%).

A brand’s ability to enhance online status is also 36% more valued by this active group than average, fitting with their status-seeking and image-focused personalities. 82% say they always strive to achieve more in life, while 78% say it’s important for them to feel respected by their peers, for example.

Securing brand advocates among Fitness Fanatics shouldn’t be too difficult for marketers. And with almost two thirds of this segment saying that once they find a brand they like they tend to stick to it, it clearly pays off for brands to focus on their desire for image and status to achieve long-term loyalty.

Fitness Fanatics are defined as internet users aged 16-64 who exercise more than 4 times a week and say they have a strong interest in health and fitness.

fitness fanatics infographic

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