Continuing this week’s insights into the online consumer journey, today’s chart explores the fourth phase of purchase, looking at what most increases the likelihood of internet users making purchases online.
The impact of price consideration globally is immediately evident, with free delivery (60%) sitting over 10 percentage points ahead of all other options tracked, and at twice the figure for next-day delivery. Other rewarding features are also significant to note, whether in the form of coupons or discounts, or the chance to receive loyalty points following purchase.
This trend holds across all world regions, reaching a high of 75% in North America. Baby Boomers are the most likely generation to be motivated by free delivery at 71% – they’re also the most savings-focused audience during product research. Although Millennials also favor free delivery, they are most ahead of the average for the opportunity of social commerce, emphasizing the uptake of purchases made directly through social “buy” buttons.
Though financially rewarding options are clearly valued, that’s not to say that convenience is unimportant to consumers worldwide; many appreciate the flexibility of an easy returns policy and next-day delivery services too.
This consumer demand for free, but rapid, delivery has set the precedent in the ecommerce market. As there are now many alternative online commerce platforms for consumers to choose from, it’s essential for sellers to meet basic needs to position themselves, and their benefits, as the default in the pathway to purchase.