We are just working through the final stages of data processing and data analysis and plan to distribute the data in the online platform by the end of tomorrow.

The fieldwork has been conducted at a global level and 27,000 respondents took part in the November fieldwork. This brings the total number of respondents to the GlobalWebIndex survey to over 122,000 unique respondents since 2009.

What you can look forward to:

More valuable information and a better understanding of consumers’ online and social media behaviour such as how they :

  • Manage their image online and how they want to be perceived.
  • Manage their own privacy and what they are willing to disclose / publish online and where.
  • Communicate with each other and what they consider to be acceptable “online language” and what is considered unacceptable.
  • See whether there is such thing as an online etiquette

Larger BRIC markets’ sample sizes – these markets are fuelling growth in social media behaviour – both in volume and value. We have doubled the number of respondents in China and increased the other markets by 60%.

We shall be posting more information on the release of the data on our other platforms shortly and releasing our GWI 6 Trend Deck in early January.

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