Drawing on more data from our new Generations report (you can download a free summary here), today we place a spotlight on some of the most popular social and messaging apps.

Across the board, engagement has been growing over the last six months – showing that the rising importance of mobiles as networking tools is a trend that cuts across generations.

But it’s two of Facebook’s services which really stand out here. Instagram – which is the fastest growing network overall at the moment – is seeing very healthy increases for its app among Millennials and Gen X.

WhatsApp, meanwhile, is seeing substantial growth among all three generations, but Baby Boomers in particular. Although the total numbers using it in this generation remain somewhat smaller than in Gen X or among Millennials, it’s clear that the appeal of mobile messaging tools is pretty universal.


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Jason is Chief Research Officer at GWI. He's the main man who leads our global team of analysts, delivering world-renowned research. He's an in-demand data junkie who you might see popping up on your telly screens every so often to show you what's actually happening in the lives of consumers.

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