We’re delighted to announce the launch of our mini tool that provides anyone with the free of charge chance to view and play with the GlobalWebIndex data, and more importantly to start developing unique insights on social media.

With the LITE version you can get a snapshot of what motivates your audience, what they do online, and how they feel about brands in social media.

This data has been extracted from the GlobalWebIndex Wave 2 dataset (January 2010)and it is NOT dummy for demonstration purposes only.

Currently, the GlobalWebIndex clients have access to Wave 3 (July 2010), hence, we can publicise some subscription only data.

Of course, Global Web Index LITE is only a very small percentage of the full set of the Global Web Index data. If you find this interesting and you can see the value behind the data and the online tool in your business, get in touch and we’ll talk you through the main analysis platform, how our clients prefer to use it to build global web and social media strategies and how it is being used to drive business revenue.

Feel free to use the data, embed it and share the tool online and don’t be shy to tell us what you think: globalwebindex@trendstream.net

If you are new to the research and want to find out more about how we do it, please visit: https://www.globalwebindex.com/plans

To stay in touch @globalwebindex or to register interest in a demonstration https://www.globalwebindex.com/book-a-demo

How it works

You can select country, gender, age bands and an attitudinal outlook (if you want). The attitudes we predefined for demonstration purposes are based on the people who agree with the following questions:

  • Risk taker: “I like to take risks”
  • Informers: “I regularly inform friends and family on new products and services”
  • Positives: “I feel positive about the global economy”
  • Strivers: “I’m always striving to achieve more in life”
  • Premium Lovers: “I tend to buy the premium version of the product
  • Internationals: “It is important to stay in touch with what is going on in the world”
  • Thrill seeker: “I like to pursue a life of challenge, novelty and change”

Once you define your audience you can analyse them against 3 key areas and against the country average:

  • Motivations for getting online: What do online consumers consider to be “very motivating”. This question covers all reasons for getting online, but look out for social motivations, such as “staying in touch with friends”, “sharing content” or “promoting myself”
  • Social media behaviour: What online consumers have done in the last month online. There are also non social behaviours in there for comparison. In the main research we also cover lapsed usage and non involvement
  • Brands in social media: Which kind of social marketing communications “improve the opinion of a brand” in the eyes of consumers. Again there are non social executions for comparison

Remember this is a very small portion of the research, but it still provides you with a unique global perspective on social media trends and impact.

Please get in touch to find out more on the full research and the subscription tool that can provide you access to a globally unique dataset and insights.

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