As part of a new series of infographics we have created a global map of social web involvement. We wanted to provide a clear visualisation of the way in which the world adopts social technologies differently. The map visualises the number of active bloggers, social networkers, video sharers, photo uploaders and microbloggers. The length of the curve represents the penetration and the size represents the universe size. We have also included the actual numbers so you can use and apply the universe estimates.
To download the full size version fit for print, click here
An interactive version is coming soon that will allow you to create an audience segment and understand their web involvement by country.
Just a few of the big trends that are evident:
- The social web is mass market: Hundreds of millions of web users are creating and sharing content every month
- The massive impact of China: The vast Internet population coupled with hugely socially active set of web users, makes for a massive volume of content creators. However due to the inward looking nature of Chinas internet economy combined with the language mean that this volume of content does not impact the broader Internet
- Low engagement in Japan: We also associate Japan with technology innovation, and actual while you might not think it, the low engagement is indicative of progress. Why? Our map shows PC activity and we know from this research that a huge number of Japanese users are bypassing PC altogether and using mobile devices to access social platforms and create and share content. Just over 34% of social network users only accessed through mobile in the month of the research, this is compared to 3% in the UK, a staggering indication of where the future is heading.
- The low level of microblog engagement: Despite the Twitter hype, micro-blogging is still not a mass social activity and nowhere near the size and scale of blogging.
We also have a nice wall chart version, with a 2010 calendar. For your copy send us an email to: